Thursday, October 29, 2009

bad attitude

sometimes in the car i will let james and scarlett watch a movie on our portable dvd player. this particular day we were riding in the car, james and scarlett had, had a rather rough morning. after asking if he could watch a movie, i explained that he wouldn't get to because he had been naughty and we would not watch any movies in the car that day. (pretty clear huh?)
again he asked, i explained a little less patiently, that no, we would not be watching a movie in the car because of his bad attitude. he asks again....i say very loudly now, "NO WE WILL NOT BE WATCHING ANY MOVIES TODAY, YOU HAVE HAD A BAD ATTITUDE, AND NOT OBEYED MOMMY, BAD ATTITUDE MEANS NO MOVIES, I'VE SAID THAT 3 TIMES NOW, DON'T ASK AGAIN!"

2 minutes later scarlett declares..wanna watch a movie? james interjects, "no baby sis, mommy says that i haf a bad attitude and that we won't watch any movies in the car, thats what she says."
no more questions...just silence in the car, and of course this...... pouting??

1 comment:

Derek & Meredith said...

Of my goodness, they are adorable! This story made me laugh... what a good mom you are!