Thursday, October 29, 2009

bad attitude

sometimes in the car i will let james and scarlett watch a movie on our portable dvd player. this particular day we were riding in the car, james and scarlett had, had a rather rough morning. after asking if he could watch a movie, i explained that he wouldn't get to because he had been naughty and we would not watch any movies in the car that day. (pretty clear huh?)
again he asked, i explained a little less patiently, that no, we would not be watching a movie in the car because of his bad attitude. he asks again....i say very loudly now, "NO WE WILL NOT BE WATCHING ANY MOVIES TODAY, YOU HAVE HAD A BAD ATTITUDE, AND NOT OBEYED MOMMY, BAD ATTITUDE MEANS NO MOVIES, I'VE SAID THAT 3 TIMES NOW, DON'T ASK AGAIN!"

2 minutes later scarlett declares..wanna watch a movie? james interjects, "no baby sis, mommy says that i haf a bad attitude and that we won't watch any movies in the car, thats what she says."
no more questions...just silence in the car, and of course this...... pouting??

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Walk this way

today scarlett showed me how to, "walk sidewalk mommy"
now to me when i hear sidewalk i think....the thing that runs along side a road that we often walk on as to not get hit by cars.
not her, she hears it literally thinks...walk sideways mommy.
yes, lets walk sideways on the sidewalk. by the way, she calls these things in her hair..
"Shrek ears" she loves Shrek and she loves the fact that
she now has his ears.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The 31 Days of Halloween

Once October rolls around, I find it very hard explaining to James and Scarlett that Halloween isn't for a few more weeks. After all Target is all decorated for Halloween, it should be right around the corner, right?

Instead of waiting, they've been dressing up almost everyday. And I'm not kidding you, James can often be found wearing his Superman shirt. Their mommom made them some costumes too. James has an awesome cape, and Scarlett is our little gypsy girl.

Happy Halloween!


Friday, October 2, 2009

my james

currently this is how scarlett is referring to her brother.
he calls her baby sis, or little miss, and she calls him my james.