Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Program

I kept calling it a play, which it clearly isn't, James would correct me and say, "It's a Christmas ProgrAM!(emphasis on AM)"


Sometimes they get along, and sometimes I can get a photo of it. This is that time. sweeties!

Note to self:

Don't ever buy your kids a Christmas present when they are with you!!(especially one they have specifically asked Santa for)

The kids and I went to Target a few weeks ago just to look and get some ideas.
James has written Santa and asked for a blue PowerRanger. Well I just so happened to find one, and it was on I shoved it under my purse in the cart and moved along. No where along this trip to Target did he let on that he saw me pick up or purchase this gift.

Yesterday we saw Santa at one of our favorite play places, James told Santa that we wanted a red PowerRanger. I asked him later why he asked Santa for that, because he so clearly wanted the blue one,(at this point I was freaking that I had bought the wrong one)
He told me that he would like a red one because he already has a blue one at home. oops.