Saturday, February 7, 2009

Did that really just happen?

About a month ago, our family went to a different church, that was 1, starting later than our regular church service, since we had overslept that morning 2, closer to our house and 3, we're always driving by it and wondering what it would be like to go.

Upon arriving, I'm keenly aware that I am one of the only women there that is not wearing a dress, does not have hair past her shoulders, and wears makeup. I mention this to my husband, who was somewhat unaware, because as we're walking in, he's keenly aware that he is one of the only males that is not wearing a suit and tie, even young boys are wearing suit and ties??
We take our kids to Sunday school. And as I'm walking to attend the service, I'm wondering if I'm going to return to a freshly shorn James head.(yikes) And Scarlett wearing a dress too.

Now please don't get me wrong, I love a man in a 3 piece suit and ladies in dresses, I'm not in any way making fun. I'm sure that they were having enough fun looking at me feeling quite uncomfortable not fitting in.

Worship was interesting, hymns, which I LOVE!

The sermon lasted well over an hour and a half....causing us to lose interest several times. during one point in the service, the pastor has asked us to open our bibles to Hebrews something or other, well we forgot our bibles. G-R-E-A-T! A woman sitting next to Josh leans over and says, "Here, you can borrow mine, I've got an extra you know where Hebrews is?"
Does my husband know where Hebrews is?
Does my husband know where Hebrews is?
(voices in head) Lady if you only knew, my husband could educate you a little on where Hebrews is, why it was written, when it was written, who it was written for, and even where it was written.
He calmly takes the bible from her and we both try to suppress our giggles!

We speak to a few people, grab our kiddos and hightail it outta there. Mentioning something about a time warp and amazing that a church like that is here in South Austin.

You know those info cards they give you at those churches? Well I filled one out. Not thinking that there would be any follow up on it. Well, people, they follow-up.

This morning while Scarlett was napping, Josh had taken James to the guitar store, and I was still in my ugly robe, when I heard a knock on our door. I open it and lo and behold, Its the worship leader from that very same church and his young daughter.(in Sunday best of course, which must be Saturday best also). Just stopping by to say hello, and telling of some changes going on at the church presently. I thanked him for stopping by, said goodbye, shut the door, went to the bathroom and saw this.....

What a riot!

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