Today marked the first day of story time at the Library. We went last week, only to be sorely disappointed to find I took the kids on the wrong day, well not the wrong day really, story time started the 9th. In the car, I'm telling James we're going to the library for story time, then I reenact some silly songs that we sing there to refresh his memory. Fun in the car, embarrassing in public. He remembers with a silly grin, to shout out "Li-boo-bee!" I snicker..."Yes James, the library!" This one is definitely going in the memory book.
In we walk. He hasn't fully understood what whispering is, nor does he understand that whispering is what we do at the library. Shouting as soon as we walk in the doors, "li-boo-bee, storytime!" That gets a few giggles from other mommies with their toddlers. We grab our ticket and head to the back. As soon as we enter that room, James turns into another child entirely. Quiet, reclusive, finger chewing. What my mother also labels some kids as 'crotch babies'. This is highly abnormal for James, as he's the kid at the park, going up to complete strangers yelling "HI" at them, even the grocery store.
We make our way up front, me holding Scarlett whom desperately wants down, and James clinging to my leg for fear that I may leave him, I think. We find a seat close up front. And await librarian Suzanne for her amazing attention grabbing and story-telling skills. James is in my lap and Scarlett is sort-of. Once story-time starts, James is himself again, and participating and so cute and funny. Scarlett is reenacting things of her own, like the Little Mermaid singing. awesome. James gets a stamp on his hand at the end, its of Ratty's feet. (Ratty is the hand puppet Ms. Suzanne uses to talk silly to the kids). Scarlett gets a stamp too, only to immediately lick it. Ms. Suzanne tells me the ink is not toxic. That thought didn't even enter my mind, I was more worried that she would have green lips after licking it. Was that wrong?
So most Tuesday mornings, you can find us at the li-boo-bee, for story time. yeah
sidenote....before actually checking out the books, I highly recommend reading them through......thoroughly.
your stories make me laugh so hard because it is the mimick of my life! last time i took the girls to the li-boo bee, abbie screamed until the magician started and then she started flirting with the 8 year old boy (who was the cutest boy in the room btw) and ended up sitting on his lap!!! i''m so screwed! she loves the library because apparently that is her pick-up bar! lord have mercy.
oh man, you gotta read the books which I HARDLY do before getting them home and having the kids all gathered in my lap with me reading aloud, "the Strait Line"? in the end the line never had to be strait again, now what is THAT about and of course there is a scary witch in the next book and then the latest, which the kids LOVE is ME HUNGRY that has this haggard old mom in it with 5 babies hanging off her who won't feed her older son Edwin cuz she's TOO BUSY. They even have dark circles under her eyes and her hair is all matted! Poor Edwin, never mind that they are all cave dwellers and he says to his parents, Me Hungry!
and then frankly some of these books just have too many words and oh by the way check the videos before you get them home to make sure that they are in a language spoken in your home, not that immersion isn't fascinating but the kids were not too down with "El Rey de Leon" after about 5 minutes...and if your kid is like mine and he simply MUST line up all the chairs into a train stretching the entire span of the children's section, LET HIM! and if you are like the mom next to me who tries to turn in a REFERENCE book and quickly has all the librarians gathered around asking, "WHO LET YOU CHECK OUT THIS BOOK?!", DENY EVERYTHING.
and WHY is the outside drop box NEVER open? and why doesn't it count when you turn your videos in at night the day they are due - - oh wait, because if the box outside IS open they still KNOW you didn't get them there when you were supposed to so you get hosed $1.00 per video, shoulda gone to blockbuster; ok ok last thing I'll not soon forget my daughter's broken heart when she went to recheck Muppet Wizard of Oz (warning: that video is a little racy) and they said SURE! and then, OH WAIT, it has a hold on it for someone else...ever seen a broken hearted 5 year old? ever HEARD one? i confess I was pretty sad, too so I let her HOOOOOOOOOOOWL right there in the library and I just comforted her while everyone stared - I mean, the DID SAY YES FIRST!! Ok, that's enough out of me!
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