Saturday, August 30, 2008

Little Brother

Happy Birthday little brother. I'm sorry that all these pictures I have of you are mostly from your really awkward phase. But I love you. And I'm so proud of you. 17 years old, and I've known you for all of those years. I'm so glad that you're in my life. So glad that you are my little brother, but now bigger than me. Thanks for all the memories over the years like:

Throwing a baseball through the van window while I was driving it, then acting as if you had no idea what had happened. And letting me get into BIG trouble for it...then not telling the truth for 10 years. Then finally enlightening us at Christmas dinner last year. That was so nice.

Having lunch with you in elementary school with all your friends.

Wrestling to the point of you crying...gosh that was just last week.(ha)

You are such a special young man. I pray that you will ask God to follow right along side of you in everything you do.
Love you Bubba!

1 comment:

jaclyn said...

you're a sweet big sister :)