Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm Namesssssssssssssssssssss.

James is talking more and more everyday, sometimes we understand and sometimes, we have no earthly idea what hes talking about. We were at Chik-fil-a a few days ago, and there were 2 boys there a little older than James. But they became instant buds. I overheard the boys asking what James' name was....and his reply, "I'm Names." I think they were confused so they kept right along playing. Awhile later, I hear them again, 'whats your name?' 'Names'. 'What?' 'Names', 'hey, what is your name?' I hear James yell 'NAMESSSSSSSSSSSSSS' I interject and say, 'His name is James, hes saying James'. 'Oh' they say. And continue their playing.

Lets Shave.

This is James preparing to shave. He got a little shaving kit for Christmas and shaves almost everyday. After applying the foam it seems his mouth becomes paralyzed, he will barely move his mouth to talk, I guess for fear that the foam will come off.